4.0X DABPE LOUCKES Ncaj Ncaj Ncaj Ncees rau Kev Kho Mob OEM Suav Teb Muag Micre Pkym400X

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Qauv tsis tau Pkym-400x
Ua kom dav 4.0 X
Ua haujlwm nrug 280-600mm
Teb ntawm saib 60-75 hli
Qhov tob ntawm daim teb 80mm
Luj nrog ncej
Lens Barrel Cov Khoom Siv PC

Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv

Kev phais cov zaub mov thau tsom iav - PKYM400X

【Ultra-lub teeb lens】 nra hnyav tsuas yog 60g, raws li lub teeb uas hnav tsis muaj dab tsi.
【【Zoo Tshaj Plaws】 Daim Ntawv Tsim Kho Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws-Cov Txheej Txheem Tshaj Tawm Cov Nyiaj Txiag
【Wide field of view and depth of field】providing a wide field of view and depth of fied, no blurred at the edges of the circle of vision.
【Amlollopia muaj】】 Muab iav Opometry (Myopia iav / nyeem tsom iav), ib-nres tus kws kho mob SRVice txuag sijhawm thiab txhawj xeeb.
Lub teeb taws teeb】 teeb rau lub teeb yuag thiab kev sib txuas, taw qhia tsom iav lub teeb pom kev, tsis muaj kev pom strobflash, tsis yog dazzling. Kev hloov kho lub teeb hloov kho, lim lub ntsej muag daj tuaj yeem ntxiv, lim xiav lub teeb, super ntev runtime 4 / 12hours (tsis tuaj yeem siv hluav taws xob).

Interpupillary Light: 54-72mm (kho tau tus kheej)

Tshaj Tawm Galss / Tu Ntaub / Tsaus Hlig / Taag Hlua / Warranty Card / Cia Hnab

Ua haujlwm nrug: 280-380mm / 360-460mm / 440-540MM / 500-600mm

Barrels Khoom Siv: PC

Cov Khoom Siv Lens: A + Qib Kho Kho Qhov Muag Iav

(已压缩) M202411msl2-daim ntawv qhia ntawm kev phais cov zaub mov thiab cov taub hau Portable_08

Khoom Taw Qhia

Qauv tsis tau Pkym-400x
Ua kom dav 4.0 X
Ua haujlwm nrug 280-600mm
Teb ntawm saib 60-75 hli
Qhov tob ntawm daim teb 80mm
Luj nrog ncej
Lens Barrel Cov Khoom Siv PC
放大镜 - 放大镜 -1

Cov Lus Nug

1. Peb yog leej twg?
Peb yog nyob hauv Jiangxi, Suav teb, pib los ntawm 2011, muag rau Ashinity Asia (5.00%), Tebchaws Asmeskas Tebchaws Asmeskas (3.00%), Tebchaws Asmeskas Tebchaws Asmeskas (3.00% Tebchaws Asmeskas (3.00%), Yav qab teb Europe (3.00%), Oceania (2.00%). Muaj tag nrho txog 11-50 cov neeg hauv peb lub chaw haujlwm.
2. Peb tuaj yeem lav tau zoo li cas?
Txhua zaus ua qauv ua ntej tsim ua ntej pawg ntau lawm; ib txwm tshuaj xyuas ua ntej kev xa khoom;
3. Koj tuaj yeem yuav ntawm peb li cas?
Kev phais teeb, Teeb Kho Mob, Headnamp, Kev Kho Mob X & ROOD FRIF FOLTERER.
4. Vim li cas koj yuav tsum yuav los ntawm peb tsis yog los ntawm lwm tus neeg xa khoom?
Peb yog lub Hoobkas & ManauftractUer rau cov khoom siv teeb meem teeb meem OEM, logo luam tawm serivce.
5. Peb muab cov kev pabcuam twg?
Lees txais cov ntsiab lus xa khoom: FOB, CIF, CF, FAS, FAS, Mev, lus dev, German, Arabic, Fab Kis, Lav Xias, Kauslim, Hindi, Italis.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa mus rau peb